The background to this seminar is presemnted in the original Call for Papers.
1st session: 10h00 – 13h00
Moderator: Robert Adam (Université Libre de Bruxelles/ University of Bucharest)
- Polish political elites and football fandom: indifference, hostility, beautiful friendship?
Radosław Kossakowski (Gdańsk University), Przemysław Nosal (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Wojciech Woźniak (University of Łódź) - Looking for new-old heroes? Guerilla Patriotism and Football Fans in Poland
Radosław Kossakowski (Gdańsk University), Przemysław Nosal (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Wojciech Woźniak (University of Łódź) - Generation Amateurfußball: The Fans of FC Magdeburg 30 years after the Fall of the Wall
Dr. Christoph Wagner (no academic affiliation)
- Polish political elites and football fandom: indifference, hostility, beautiful friendship?
11h30: Discussions and coffee break
- The twelfth player in the Czech Republic and its twelve types: Remarks on the developments on a post-socialist football fandom scene
Dino Numerato (Charles University Prague) - Transnational Perspective on Football Fandom in Visegrad Group States (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary)
Seweryn Dmowski (University of Warsaw) - ‘Poles Kneel Only Before God’: Comparing Opposition to Black Lives Matter in Polish and English Football Supporter and Far Right Discourses
Michael Cole (University of Tartu) - Discussion
- The twelfth player in the Czech Republic and its twelve types: Remarks on the developments on a post-socialist football fandom scene
2nd session: 14h00 – 17h00
Moderator: Jean-Michel De Waele (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Invoking the same history. Identity challenges for Steaua Bucharest and FCSB fans
Pompiliu-Nicolae Constantin (National University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest) - The clone wars: Romanian football fans’ competing narratives
Robert Adam (Université Libre de Bruxelles/ University of Bucharest)
- Invoking the same history. Identity challenges for Steaua Bucharest and FCSB fans
15h30: Discussions and coffee break
- Football Fans in Montenegro: from spectators to political ammunition
Marko Begović (Faculty of Sport Belgrade) - “What came of the boys in the trenches?” – (Dis-)Continuities in ex-/post-Yugoslav football fandom
Dario Brentin (University of Applied Sciences, Vienna), Ivan Djordjevic (Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade) - The identity of the Partisan team fans in Albania. From the regime favorites, to today’s emancipatory potential
Inxhi Brisku (University of Haifa) - Discussions
- Conclusions
Jean-Michel De Waele (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Football Fans in Montenegro: from spectators to political ammunition
Please register with the organisers (; The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail.
Jean-Michel De Waele
Professeur de Science politique
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Tel : 00.32.650.44.81
Avenue Jeanne 44, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique