Call for Papers | Sport and Discrimination Conference | Leeds Beckett University, September 9, 2016



The second annual Sport and Discrimination Conference explores the interdisciplinary nature of discrimination within the sporting world. This one-day conference aims to investigate different forms of discrimination (racial, gender, homophobia, disability, class, etc), across a range of sports, drawing on work from a variety of academic fields (including sociology, sports studies, psychology, politics, history, and media and cultural studies).

What is the nature and extent of discrimination in sport today?  How does it affect people’s experience of sport and their wider lives?  What are the barriers to change?  And how can discrimination best be tackled in the future? These are some of the issues which we hope to explore.

We welcome proposals from academics, postgraduates and policy makers, who wish to present papers making empirical, theoretical or personal contributions. Proposals may approach the conference theme from a variety of perspectives, including:

  • Empirical findings about the nature and extent of discrimination in sport.
  • Research articulating the experiences of those who have suffered discrimination in sport.
  • Contributions adding to the theoretical understanding of sport and discrimination.
  • Policy recommendations for tackling and reducing discrimination in sport.

Proposals, for 20 minute presentations, should include title, abstract (250 words), the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter and a concise biography (100 words). The submission deadline is Friday 27 May 2016.

All submissions and enquiries should be sent to:

Key dates

February 2016: Call for papers
27 May 2016: Deadline for the submission of paper abstracts
17 June 2016: Notification of acceptance
9 September 2016: Sport and Discrimination Conference at Leeds Beckett University


Rose Bowl
Portland Crescent
West Yorkshire

Organising Committee

  • Dr Daniel Kilvington
    Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies
    Leeds Beckett University
    Twitter: @dan_kilvington
  • Dr John Price
    Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Sports Journalism
    University of Sunderland


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