Call for Papers | Ski Congress 2017 | University of Jyväskylä, March 1–4, 2017



The Finnish Society for Sports History, The Finnish Society of Sport Sciences, The Department of History and Ethnology and the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Jyväskylä jointly organize the Ski Congress 2017 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1st–4th of March, 2017.

We invite to the Congress researchers and scholars to discuss and analyze the international relations of skiing, its societal significance and impact on human physical and mental well-being. We want to touch upon the climatic moments and sore points which skiing has brought about.

We understand skiing as multi-faceted outdoor recreation which includes all traditional winter sports in skiing as well as ways to move and exercise on skis, including skiing tourism.

History is the main field of study in the Congress but we want to approach winter sports and recreation multi-scientifically. Along with historians, we expect that representatives of ethnology, physical education, museology, sociology and media sciences among others answer our call as we aim at encompassing the Congress thematic from past to the future.

The Congress languages are English and Finnish.

Concerning the Congress programme: On the 1st of March we share the opening ceremony and enjoy the welcome reception. The 2nd and 3rd of March are reserved for the scientific programme. On the 4th of March there is a possibility to join an excursion to the World Championships of Skiing in Lahti. One can also visit the Lahti Museum for Skiing there.

We ask all interested to send the abstracts of their presentations (one A4) to Congress Secretary Piia Pöyhönen ( on 31st of October the latestDeadline extended to December 31, 2016!

The scientific committee of the Congress is composed of Professor Hannu Itkonen, Docent Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Docent Anssi Halmesvirta, Dr Jari Kanerva, Dr Arja Turunen and Ph.D. Antero Holmila from the University of Jyväskylä.

Ski Congress 2017 Jyväskylä shall edit Congress proceedings from selected presentations. We ask the authors to send in a written summary of c. 12.000 characters.

The Patron for Ski Congress 2017 is the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES).


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