Call for Papers | ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2019 | Dunedin, New Zealand, April 24–27 2019. Call ends December 15, 2018


The Executive Board of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) invites you to the 2019 World Congress of Sociology of Sport to be held April 24-27 at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. For over 50 years ISSA has continuously assembled scholars from across the globe—currently this includes scholars from over 30 countries–to facilitate research exchanges and to promote international co-operation. Though focused on sociology, ISSA congresses bring together social scientists from a variety of academic fields such as political science, history, cultural studies, ethnic studies, media studies, gender studies, social psychology, organizational and management studies, keen on debating critical issues regarding sport in society.

The theme of this year’s conference theme, Sociology of Sport and Alternative Futures recognizes that our field, like its parent discipline Sociology and the Social Sciences more broadly, is facing unprecedented challenges not only over funding and resources but also in terms of its legitimacy and relevance. Within the context of neoliberalism in general, and the corporatisation of university education in particular, there has been a slow but steady marginalisation of sociology of sport as a field of academic study. Curiously this has occurred despite enormous growth in the interest in ‘sport’ (broadly defined) within the global economy and as a focus of scholarly enquiry. Both state and private interests are increasingly aware of sports’ strategic location at the intersection of key sectors of society including: education, health, business and tourism/nation branding. Moreover, scholars spanning the fields of sociology, anthropology, history, geography, politics, economics, media and communication studies, and gender studies are increasingly recognising the social significance of sport as a cultural form and practice.

As we approach the 20th year of the new millennium, the 2019 World Congress of Sociology of Sport provides an ideal platform to reflect, evaluate and contemplate the past, present and future of the field. While the sociology of sport, across all of its specialisations, has successfully identified social fault lines within sport, discussions about how to use this knowledge for social transformation and social justice through collective action and social policy have been far less robust. In short, it is timely for our field to envision and create an alternative future for both sport and its sociological analysis.

Important dates

    • Abstract Submission Opens: July 1, 2018
    • Abstract Deadline: December 15, 2018
    • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: December 15, 2018

Session topics

    • Sociology of Sport & Alternative Futures
    • Sport & Media
    • Sport & New Technologies
    • Sport, Politics, & Policy
    • Sport, the Environment & Sustainability
    • Sport, Race & Indigenous Culture
    • Sport, Physical Activity & Ageing
    • Sport & Sexuality
    • Sport, Development, & Peace
    • Sport & Social Class
    • Sport & Urban Development
    • Sport & Gender
    • Sport & National Identity
    • Sport & Violence
    • Sport & Globalization
    • Sport, Disability & Paralympics
    • Sport, Economics, & Society
    • Sport Mega-events
    • Sport, Health & Wellbeing
    • Sport & Doping
    • Sport Coaching & Pedagogy
    • Sport & Ethics
    • Physical Education & its Future
    • Sport & Popular Resistance
    • Youth Sport
    • New & Alternative Sports

Visit the conference homepage for further and detailed information, and contact info.


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