Call for Papers | International Review for the Sociology of Sport turns 50! Expanding to Eight Issues a Year in 2015

The Editor.

We are pleased to announce that the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the most longstanding scholarly publication focused on sport and culture, will be celebrating its 50th year of publication in 2015.   To mark its 50th anniversary, the IRSS will be expanding publication to eight issues a year, a change that will enable a 33% increase to 1024 annual pages, a change that will enable the IRSS to publish more scholarly research and do so more promptly in the print edition.  As a special benefit to members of the International Sociology of Sport Association, there will be no membership fee increase in 2015 associated with IRSS subscriptions included with ISSA membership. As fee increases in 2016 are expected to rise by 15%, we encourage scholars who wish to defray fee increases to “lock in” their ISSA membership and IRSS subscription for multiple years at 2014 rates by visiting the IRSS SAGE Publications site at

Double Special Issue to Celebrate the 50th Anniversaries of ISSA and IRSS

As a benefit to ISSA members and IRSS subscribers, a 2015 double special issue of the IRSS entitled 50@50: Assessing the Trajectory and Challenges of the Sociology of Sport, co-edited by ISSA President Elizabeth Pike, past ISSA President Steven Jackson, and IRSS Editor Lawrence Wenner, features 50 articles by 50 leading international scholars in a consideration of the state of the field to mark the 50th anniversary of the International Sociology of Sport Association.  The IRSS 50th anniversary issue of approximately 300 pages will be published in June 2015 and will be available prior to the start of the ISSA 50th anniversary World Conference in Paris.

Call for Papers

irss300The IRSS solicits research articles seated in the sociology of sport that shed light on social and cultural understandings of sport. Reaching its 50th year in 2015, the IRSS continues as the most longstanding scholarly publication focused on sport and culture.  Interdisciplinary, inclusive, and global, the IRSS is the journal of the International Sociology of Sport Association and is published in partnership with SAGE Publications.  Please visit the journal website for more information about its Aims & Scope, the Editorial Board, manuscript submission guidelines, and sample issues at

Beginning in 2015, the IRSS publishes eight issues each year, a change that will allow for a 33% increase to 1024 annual pages.  The IRSS uses the SAGE Track online manuscript submission site powered by ScholarOne Manuscripts to expedite review and publication.  When combined with the SAGE OnlineFirst publication program that makes accepted manuscripts available to scholars within weeks of acceptance, the IRSS has the ability to get scholarly work promptly disseminated.

Edited by Lawrence Wenner, the IRSS has seven distinguished Corresponding Editors from across the globe available for consultation and a 40 member international Editorial Board.  Articles considered by the IRSS include standard-length research articles as well as shorter research reports. The IRSS aims to be an open and attractive place for the prompt publication of research aimed at the international community.  The IRSS editorial team looks forward to having the opportunity to consider your work.  Manuscripts may be submitted at .

Lawrence Wenner
Von der Ahe Professor of Communication & Ethics | Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90045 | 310.338.3754
Editor, International Review for the Sociology of Sport | |
Editor, Communication & Sport | |
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