Call for Papers | “Innovative Historical Work on Women and Physical Culture Practices” | Special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport. Call ends July 1, 2017


Guest Editors:

This call for papers focuses on innovative historical work on women and physical culture practices. Since the 1970s, increasing national, regional, and international interest in the topic of gender and physical culture practices has resulted in conferences, seminars, and workshops devoted to the topic as well as the formation of national, regional, and international organizations that have given political and cultural voice to women and sport. In addition to these institutional efforts to promote the participation and interest in women and sport, there has been a contemporaneous increase in research and scholarship devoted to the topic. The editors encourage the submission of papers on the theme of women and physical culture practices from a range of temporal, geographic, methodological and thematic perspectives.

Topics for this special issue could include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Women’s physical culture practices around the globe
  • Biographical studies of women in sport and physical culture
  • The development organisations focussed on women’s sport and physical culture practices
  • Media, women’s sport and physical culture practices
  • Politics and the development of women’s physical culture practices

Submission Instructions

We invite the formal submission of abstracts to both Guest Editors before 1 July 2017. Notification of the acceptance of abstracts for the special issue will be provided by 1 August 2017 and full papers must then be submitted before 1 November 2017. Please select the ‘Women and Physical Culture Practices’ option when submitting the full paper via ScholarOne. Please visit the Instructions for Authors page for more details.

Please note that for this particular special issue, papers should be limited to a maximum of 8,000 words, inclusive of notes. All submitted papers will undergo double-blind peer-review, and must be revised according to feedback from the reviewers and, where necessary, the comments from Guest Editors. It is expected that the special issue will be published in March 2018.

Meet Guest Editor Susanna Hedenborg

Susanna Hedenborg is a Professor in Sport Sciences, Associate professor in Economic History Research interests: Equestrian Sports Horse Racing, History of the Labour Market History of Childhood, Demography, and Gender History. Her research interests include Social Sciences, Humanities and religion, Sports, Gender, childhood studies, and sport studies.

Meet Guest Editor Patricia Vertinsky

Dr. Patricia Vertinsky is a Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Kinesiology. She is a social and cultural historian working across the fields of women’s and gender history with a special interest on physical culture, physical education and modern dance. Her research has been consistently funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and her currently funded project focuses upon a new history of female physical education, including expressive movement, modern dance and somatic practices.



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