IJSL is the first of its kind in India trying to understand the intricacies of sports law. It is a half yearly peer reviewed online journal on the field of Sports law. IJSL accepts manuscripts in the field of sports law which are scrutinized by a group of sports enthusiasts and renowned personalities in the field of sports law. IJSL is a platform for exhibiting the best of the scholarly works in the form of legal analysis, perceptive comments and act as a major source to get information for people interested in the field. The journal would be catering to the needs of students, professionals, academicians and sports officials, sports players and sports enthusiasts to gain knowledge and update themselves about the legalities of sports from a global perspective.
Guidelines for Submission
All contributions submitted to the Journal should be original and should not be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere.
The Editorial Board has refrained from imposing a theme.
A submission is welcome as long as it comes under the ambit of sports law
The contributions should be falling under the below mentioned categories
- Case Comments (3,000 words)
- Articles (4,000 words)
- Book Reviews (1,500 words)
The Editorial team reserves the right to accept any piece of work beyond the prescribed categories.
All submissions must be in Times New Roman, Font size 12, Line Spacing 1.5
All the word limits are exclusive of footnotes.
The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or view stated in the submitted Manuscript. In case of any gross plagiarism found in the contents of submitted manuscript, the Manuscript shall be subject to rejection.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject without reviewing manuscripts that exceed the word limit substantially. Editorial board comprises of experts in the field of sports law who have had the experience of suggesting sports bodies, organisations and sports persons.
All submissions are to be made via e-mail as .doc or .docx or pdf documents
IJSL follows the Harvard Blue Book style of referencing – A Uniform System of Citation (19th Edn.). Contributors are requested to comply with the same.
The Journal shall retain all Copyrights arising out of any publications and only the moral rights will vest with the author.
The submissions should be sent via mail to isportslawjournal@gmail.com
The submission should contain an abstract not exceeding 500 words and it should not include the name or the University/college name of the author (These can be mentioned in the mail.)
Last date for submission is 10 March 2015.
Submissions made after this date may be considered for subsequent issues.
Email your queries at isportslawjournal@gmail.com
Editor in chief
Indian Journal of Sports Law
Email: isportslawjournal@gmail.com
Visit the website at http://https://knowledgesteez.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/indian-journal-of-sports-law-deadline-extended-to-10th-march/