Hochschule Mittweide,
Technikumplatz 17, D-09648 Mittweida
Tel. +49 (0) 3727 58-1102
Fax +49 (0) 3727 58-1165
symposium@hs-mittweida.de www.hs-mittweida.de
Sport has always played an important role in societies which is also due to its ethical values and ideas. Sport can help to transfer ethical values like fairness, tolerance. Moreover, sport has the potential to connect and integrate people. It has an educative as well as a preventative mission. In a playful way you learn to accept rules and to deal with competitors, to appreciate success and to cope with failure. Sport helps us to solve conflicts in a fair way and it can help us to build up respect and mutual understanding through fair competitions. Thus, it can overcome barriers and connect people no matter which cultural, political or social background they have. This potential and the possibilities of cultivation that sport provides can only be effective, if the members of the sports system as well as society are willing to deal with present challenges and misleading sports development. This is the aim of the 3rd Udo-Steinberg-Symposium that invites scientists as well as practitioners to present their findings and experience on “Ethics of Sports”.
The following list gives an overview of relevant topics. Abstracts on other topics relating to the conference objectives are also welcome.
- Ethics in Sports Management: Dealing with transfer of athletes, transfer markets, post-sport careers, volunteering
- Fair Play: Concerning performance enhancement and doping, equipment, rules
- Abuse and Corruption in Sports: Corruption in sports organisations, corruption surrounding sports events, manipulation of competition results, abusing sports for political purposes
- Diversity, Integration and Intercultural Aspects of Sports: Integration of different social groups in sports (e.g. People with disabilities, with migration background, people of different age groups), using sports to build a bridge or as a way of integration, for example promoting tolerance and reducing racism, discrimination and violence
- Sport politics: Creating and extending policies and rules for „Ethics in Sports“
- Media & Morality: Fair-minded and responsible journalism and fair treatment of athletes, balanced media coverage of different types of sports
- Education through sports: Athletes as role models, conveying values like fairness, team play, discipline, tolerance
- Rights distribution in sports: broadcasting rights for sports mega events like Football World Championship, FIFA
- Responsibility in General: risks/threats regarding special types of sports (where are the limits?), responsibility of sport event organisers, referees as guardians of rules and values, protection of ethical values
- Economic, Social and Ecological sustainability in sports: for example when organising sports mega events
The Udo-Steinberg-Symposium cordially invites you and your colleagues/peers to submit a scientific or practical abstract/paper to be considered for presentation at the symposium. Abstracts should not exceed 1000 words. For the preparation of your abstract please refer to our guidelines (also available at our website). This year’s symposium also offers the opportunity to submit workshop- concepts related to the topic of the symposium. For preparing the workshop description please refer to the workshop proposal template (also available at our website). Proposals can be submitted in English or German.
Please send your abstract or workshop proposal in DOC or PDF format by 14th August, 2016 to the following e-mail-address: symposium@hs-mittweida.de. Authors will receive notification status via email by 19th September 2016. If accepted, you will present your topic in an oral presentation or in a workshop at Udo-Steinberg-Symposium on 14th and 15th November 2016.
The accepted proposals will be published as a full paper (10-15 pages) in our dedicated conference series at Springer VS (Angewandte Forschung im Sport beim Springer VS Verlag). Full papers are requested until 16th December 2015.
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals
Organising Commitee
- Prof. André Schneider +49(0)3727 58 1102
- Dr. rer. pol. Julia Köhler +49(0)3727 58 1682
- Dipl.-Psych. Frank Schumann +49(0)3727 58 1086
Key dates
14 August: „Call for Papers“ closes19 September: Author acceptance notificationMid October: Publication of programme4 November: Registration for Symposium closes14 and 15 November: Udo-Steinberg-Symposium16 December: Submission of extended papers (10-15 pages) for conference volume |