Call for papers CIT: Female bodies, Image and Time. An Interdisciplinary History of Looking | University of Granada, 26-28th of June 2014


the-female-bodyWe welcome you at the University of Granada you from 26 to 28 June 2014 to the CIT (Female bodies, Image and Time. An Interdisciplinary History of Looking) International Congress. This conference will focus on works that tackle the looking at the female body from an interdisciplinary perspective as suggested by the following examples:

  • Female bodies and literature: the body as a text or a literary theme The translated body and the linguistic body: the female body as linguistic, ideological, cultural-national unity
  • Female bodies and translations
  • Female bodies: culture and anthropology: rituals, rites, customs, mode, popular culture, diseases
  • Female bodies and social culture: theology, socio-political sciences, gender studies looks and vision
  • Female bodies and norm. Deviance from the regulated body: transsexualism, transgenderism, the limited body, monstrosity
  • Female bodies and technology: recovering corporal perfection; nutrition, corporal artificiality, construction of the body (bodybuilding, cyberbody, cosmetic surgery)
  • Female bodies in East European countries.
  • The female bodies and visual arts
  • The female bodies in Medicine

CONGRESS LANGUAGES: Spanish, Romanian, English, French

PARALLEL AREAS: Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Anthropology


  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 20, 2014
  • Deadline for the evaluation of abstracts: March 25, 2014
  • Publication of the accepted abstracts: March 28, 2014
  • Registration deadline for the selected authors: April 30, 2014

For any further information please read carefully the congress description or contact the secretary of the congress to the following e-mail address:

Oana Ursache
Campus de Cartuja
Universidad de Granada


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