We are extremely pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for the 2023 Sport&EU Annual Conference is now open. Our annual conference will take place in Lisbon, organised by Universidade Autonoma, on 6-7 July 2023. We invite Sport&EU members to submit paper and/or panel proposals that analyse the three broad pillars of EU Sport Policy as defined in the current work plan: Economic impact of sport; Social inclusion in and through sport; Sport integrity. Contributions from diverse disciplines (law, politics, social sciences, philosophy etc.) are accepted. Papers with an interdisciplinary background are particularly encouraged.
We have identified the following topic priority areas for your proposals, although others will be also considered:
- EU sport policy design and implementation
- Legal issues in European sport
- The recent rulings of the CJEU and their impact on sports law, policy and governance
- Sports business and sport management: integrity problems
- Equality and diversity in and through sport
- Technology in sport: challenges and risks
- Environmental sustainability in sport
- Olympic movement’s current path
- Sports Events and tourism: present and future
- Professions in sport: the differences inside EU
- Physical activity and physical exercise: EU achievements
For the 2023 conference, delegates will have the opportunity to present two types of papers:
- Short 10’ papers: Presenting new ideas, comments on cases, early work, etc. (These papers might be fundamentally empirical, with authors seeking feedback on early analysis, possible follow up or theoretical contribution);
- Full 20’ papers: These should be more elaborate papers and appropriate to an academic context. It is expected that authors include aims, methods, result and discussion.
Following our traditional policies of equality and diversity, Sport&EU encourages PhD students and young career academics to submit their proposals for this conference. Equally, we specially encourage female and non-binary academics to submit their proposals. Papers with a gender perspective or a feminist/queer theoretical framework are welcome. For panel proposals, please note that all-male panels will not be accepted.
Paper and panel proposals should be submitted by email to: sporteu@autonoma.pt
Deadline to submit your proposals is 15th February 2023.
Successful authors will be informed by the middle of March if their papers or panels have been accepted.
For more information on how to format and submit your proposal, please go to: SPORT&EU 17TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (autonoma.pt)
We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Best regards,
Borja García and Rui Alexandre Jesus, on behalf of the organising committee
Dr. Borja Garcia Garcia
BA (Madrid), MA (Leeds), MSc (College of Europe), PhD (Loughborough), FHEA
Pronouns: he/him
Reader in Sport Policy and Governance
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Loughborough University
Leicestershire, LE11 3TU (UK)
[Phone] +44 (0) 1509 226 368
[E-mail] b.garcia-garcia@lboro.ac.uk
[Twitter] @DrBorjaGarcia