Editorial note
Chris Hickey
Pages: 191-192 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1366683
A paradox or a culture of acceptance? The idiosyncratic workforce delivering health education in lower secondary government schools in Western Australia
Donna Barwood, Dawn Penney & Christine Cunningham
Pages: 193-209 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1362955
Graduating physical education student teachers perceptions of a critically oriented HPE curriculum: (re)constructing constructivist frameworks in PETE
Glenn Fyall
Pages: 211-228 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1345285
‘(Dis)empowered by what we see … ’: exploring the use of video-stimulated reflection in physical education pedagogy and practice
Amanda Mooney & Chris Hickey
Pages: 229-244 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1366684
The experiences of students without disabilities in inclusive physical education classrooms: a review of literature
Robert Joseph Ruscitti, Scott Gordon Thomas & Danielle Christine Bentley
Pages: 245-257 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1345286
Olympism, physical education and attitudes and values: what do graduating teachers in Aotearoa, New Zealand know and understand?
Ian Culpan & Susannah (Susie) Stevens
Pages: 259-272 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1345284
Same same but different: curriculum representations of health education
Kerry Renwick
Pages: 273-288 | DOI: 10.1080/18377122.2017.1366247