Reviews and Theoretical Advances
A new conceptualization of mega sports event legacy delivery: Wicked problems and critical realist solution
Terri Byers, Emily Hayday, Athanasios (Sakis) Pappous
Pages 171-182
Leveraging spectator emotion: A review and conceptual framework for marketing health behaviors in elite sports
Renee Teal, Michele Roberts, Paul Harrigan, Jo Clarkson, Michael Rosenberg
Pages 183-199
Research articles
The sport cluster concept as middle-range theory for the sport value framework
Anna Gerke, Herbert Woratschek, Geoff Dickson
Pages 200-214
Fan response to the identity threat of potential team relocation
Christine E. Wegner, Elizabeth B. Delia, Bradley J. Baker
Pages 215-228
Living on the edge: Psychological drivers of athletes’ intention to re-patronage extreme sporting events
Francesco Raggiotto, Daniele Scarpi
Pages 229-241
Open access
The determinants of the intention to continue voluntary football refereeing
Thomas Giel, Christoph Breuer
Pages 242-255
Athletic goal achievement: A critical antecedent of event satisfaction, re-participation intention, and future exercise intention in participant sport events
Moonsup Hyun, Jeremy S. Jordan
Pages 256-270
The role of sport in reflecting and shaping group dynamics: The “intergroup relations continuum” and its application to Fijian rugby and soccer
Jack Thomas Sugden, Nico Schulenkorf, Daryl Adair, Stephen Frawley
Pages 271-283
Coach humility and player creativity: The roles of knowledge sharing and group diversity
Luu Trong Tuan
Pages 284-301
From intention to participation: Exploring the moderating role of a voucher-based event leveraging initiative
Luke R. Potwarka, Ryan Snelgrove, David Drewery, Jordan Bakhsh, Laura Wood
Pages 302-314
Do public subsidies and facility coverage matter for voluntary sports clubs?
Karsten Elmose-Østerlund, Evald Bundgård Iversen
Pages 315-329
Tennis superstars: The relationship between star status and demand for tickets
Nader Chmait, Sam Robertson, Hans Westerbeek, Rochelle Eime, Carmine Sellitto, Machar Reid
Pages 330-347
Examining environmental fan engagement initiatives through values and norms with intercollegiate sport fans
Jonathan M. Casper, Brian P. McCullough, Michael E. Pfahl
Pages 348-360
Book Review
A.C. Billings J.E. Black Mascot Nation: The Controversy Over Native American Representations in Sports 2018 University of Illinois Press 1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820-6903 E-Book ISBN 978-0-252-05084-8. 260 pp.
Charles Mountifield, Stirling Sharpe
Pages 361-362