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    Tag: Michael Real

    Leading sport and media scholars unearth the mediatization of sport mega-events

    Lawrence A. Wenner and Andrew C. Billings have gathered leading scholars in the field of sport media studies for their edited volume Sport, Media and Mega-Events (Routledge), in which each contribution takes stock of a mega-event in terms of the level of mediatization. Henk Erik Meier is our knowledgeable reviewer, and he’s impressed.

    Den nationella sporthjältens kris

    John Hellström, som själv forskar om idrottsstjärnor och idrottshjältar, recenserar Cornel Sandvoss’, Michael Reals och Alina Bernsteins antologi Bodies of Discourse: Sports Stars, Media and the Global Public, som bjuder på många intressanta bidrag.
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